Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dr. visit

First sickness; a cold. Our little man was grouchy and fevery yesterday so we took him to the doctor. Got some medicine, and poor Guinness got his boogers sucked out, no fun. It is really amazing to me how far up your nose a hose can be pushed. Seriously, it looks like it going straight into his brain.

He started acting better after one dose, but the new doctor I am trying to go to wasn't in so we had to go to our old doctor who prescribes the poison medicine, so poor Guinness is being tortured with that 4 times a day. And he is so innocent; he loves eating and food so much the poor guy licks his lips and opens his mouth so wide for me when I hold the syringe only to get a mouthful of bitter death juice. Awww.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Danger Baby

Sigh, we have entered the danger age. Guinness can pull himself up, and has this compulsion to do it whenever he can. He will crawl to the closest object and climb up it. Doesn't matter if it has wheels (like his walker or Gemma's car) and will roll away on him. Doesn't matter that it has square edges, like the coffee table. He is not too bad, but as with every beginner, he has his slips. And of course he hits head first on the floor. All it takes is to lose concentration for a second. Or a slight slip of the foot, and bang! I got out the foam squares today and made a huge rectangle to cover as much area as I could, and of course he managed to work his way away from the foam so he could hit his head 6 inches from the foam on the floor. I tried so hard! Today he hit his head on both sides, so at least he will be even. Oh, and then he was trying to crawl but his hand slipped on his drool and he hit the floor again.
Do you cover everything with foam; every edge, corner, square inch of floor, etc? We tried that with Gemma and she would rip the foam edging off of stuff, so it was a constant re-taping of it till we finally quit. Do you keep them confined? Bring his pack and play out and let him only play in that? Or in his walker or saucer, where he can't fall? (Just kidding, I know spending too much time in walkers isn't great) Cover the whole floor in foam for the next 6 weeks? This is a terrible stage to be living in Taiwan for; what I wouldn't give for a wall to wall fuzzy carpet, or at least slightly springy laminate.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Guinness was so funny today. He was up really earl, like 5:30, but being so cute Chris and I were both giggling at him in bed. He was climbing all around, trying to get our attention, and sticking out his tongue and figuring that out, with lots of zerbert sounds too.

Then tonight he was playing in his walker, tearing apart Gemma's bedroom of course, and when I go in to check on him, he is trying to drag out the baby stroller. That is every kid's favourite toy, even at 6months old! He had the handle in one hand and he was trying to manouver it out. When he finally gave up on that he got hold of a piece of paper, and he was just so proud of himself, he came racing out of the bedroom holding it high up above his head with this huge goofy grin, like it was the greatest treasure in the world and he had found it.

He is started on oatmeal cereal and LOVING it. Love does describe it; he is driven, passionate, completely excited by food!