Sunday, February 21, 2010

Climb Every Play Structure...

We were at school playing this morning, and Guinness was happily walking around. I looked away for a minute, turn back around, and, uh, there was my 10 month old. Standing on top of the bridge on the play structure. I didn't even see him climb, but he must have climbed up the 8 or so steps to the top. What a kid!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The monster's reign continues!

He can climb up onto the footstool, but especially loves climbing on his squeaky Thomas chair. He stands at the front and grabs the back and climbs up and then down, then sits then up then down. The whole time I am freaked he is going to bite it but he is doing OK.

He teeth count is up to eight, the side ones came in last week.

He said Gemma twice; Gemma and I heard it. His other words are NaNa (for banana, or food in general), dada, and mama. He likes to clap his hands and listen to singing.

We are weaning; he is eating now only 2 or 3 times a day and then once still at night. I am glad. He is getting too big to hold comfortably across my lap like that, he's eating so much, and I am ready to end my nursing schedule of 7:15 go to work 9am go home 9:20 back to work 12 come home 12:25 back to work 3:15 come home.... Its too much!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

very good bandaids.

I did get bandaids for his owie; big waterproof ones. On;y they were TOO good, and after 24 hours I could not get it off! Even in the bath, even with baby oil. It took about 15 minutes of picking to get it off!!! The bandaid was just so smooth it made a perfect seak to his skin. Oooops! At least though it is better now!