Haha, I just realized the last update on Guinness that I put on Facebook was also about him being a 'whistler', but this post is about the amazing ski and outdoor destination of Whistler, BC. We drove for two and a half hours to get to Whistler, hoping to see snow. Sadly, it is in tonight's forecast, but ok, whatever, we'll go hang out in the Olympic park for a bit. Parking lot is full and busy, but Chris snags a spot. He pulls in, puts the van in park, and BLEEECH; Guinness throws up all over himself.
Amazingly, his new winter coat was very easy to wipe off. Got the carseat and coat clean enough to get him out, stripped off his shirt, went to the McDonald's bathroom, gave him my tshirt, new pants, coat back on. Daddy takes kids to park, Mommy deals with van. I used a million wipes, and fortunately had hand sanitizer. I squirted a bunch of that all over the straps and cover and stuff, got most of the odor out. Let the fun begin!
Kids played at this awesome park for a long time. Had hot chocolate and coffee, supper at a pizza by the slice shop. Good road trip, thankfully no more throwing up!! He was so sweet about it, too; after he was done he said, "I'm supposed to throw up in the potty, right? That would be better." Haha!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
My little twit...
We finished this novel today. I highly reccomend it; funny, fast paced, and enough illustrations to keep the young'uns engaged. Roald Dahl is definitely in my top author list. Maybe we'll do The Witches next.
Guinness is being a bit of a twit... Whiny, tired, fits, bad behaviors that he repeats and repeats and repeats. Don't pick that up. Don't pick that up. Don't pick that up. Come here. Come here. Come here. So different from Gemma in that she was correctable. With her you could do a time out and it would work. Or stickers. Or a prize. She understood that good behavior gets rewarded and was desirable. Guinness can not wrap his head around it. He's also not sleeping great. Chris and I are exhausted from putting back to bed 5 or 6 times a night, so he must be tired too. Today he even fell asleep in the chariot. Something else to consider is that he is eating a tonne; breakfast at 8, snack at 9, and 10, lunch at 11:30, snack at 1, and 4, supper at 5:30, and then a huge snack again at 7:30. Growing boy :). Need to give him more cuddles, I think.
Guinness is being a bit of a twit... Whiny, tired, fits, bad behaviors that he repeats and repeats and repeats. Don't pick that up. Don't pick that up. Don't pick that up. Come here. Come here. Come here. So different from Gemma in that she was correctable. With her you could do a time out and it would work. Or stickers. Or a prize. She understood that good behavior gets rewarded and was desirable. Guinness can not wrap his head around it. He's also not sleeping great. Chris and I are exhausted from putting back to bed 5 or 6 times a night, so he must be tired too. Today he even fell asleep in the chariot. Something else to consider is that he is eating a tonne; breakfast at 8, snack at 9, and 10, lunch at 11:30, snack at 1, and 4, supper at 5:30, and then a huge snack again at 7:30. Growing boy :). Need to give him more cuddles, I think.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
The Situation
Guinness has been using so many new words lately: example, I'd prefer..., actually, exasperated. Then today we were a little late getting lunch because I was working on my bike, and when I got in he was already standing on the stool in the kitchen, hands on the cupboard doors. "Mom, are you going to take care of the food situation here?" So I laugh and retort, "Why don't YOU take care of the food situation!" He says, "I can't take care of any situation! I'm just Guinness!"
In bad news, after school today he walked up to a little girl who was enjoying an after school cookie, and snatched it right of her hand and ate it!!!! So that ended play time early today.
In bad news, after school today he walked up to a little girl who was enjoying an after school cookie, and snatched it right of her hand and ate it!!!! So that ended play time early today.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Romp and Stomp
On Wednesdays there is a drop in toddler romp and stomp time at the local community centre. It's a big open gym, with all sorts of toys set out: balls, little hockey nets and basketball nets, mats, bikes and plasma cars, balance beam, and a bouncy castle. It was super fun, and Guinness had a blast. And it was only 2$!!!!! He worked pretty hard on his dribbling skills, and after many many attempts made it up to 23 consecutive bounces! He was so proud he stopped to give me a hug :). Awwww! It is so fun to be with him, my "best buddy forever"!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Gemma always liked doing dishes with me, making different recipes with the soap bubbles, pouring and scooping and stuff. We would play Ratitouille and she'd be Colette and I'd be Linguini. Anyway, Gemma is asleep already because she's not feeling good, so I invited Guinness to join me.
First he wanted to take off his long sleeve shirt because it will get wet. Ok, fair enough. Then he wanted his pants off. And the goch came off with the pants, so oh well. And then he just took off his Tshirt as well. And the naked dishwasher steps up to the sink.
He was really confused that he'd have to stand on the stool. I think he thought he could get right into the sink. Maybe that's why he wanted all his clothes off! Anyway, once he understood what was going on we had fun.
First he wanted to take off his long sleeve shirt because it will get wet. Ok, fair enough. Then he wanted his pants off. And the goch came off with the pants, so oh well. And then he just took off his Tshirt as well. And the naked dishwasher steps up to the sink.
He was really confused that he'd have to stand on the stool. I think he thought he could get right into the sink. Maybe that's why he wanted all his clothes off! Anyway, once he understood what was going on we had fun.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Confident is one way to describe Guinness. Another way is having an unhealthy lack of fear. I shook my head and laughed the last time we were at the beach in Taiwan, and he was literally under a wave, his eyeballs looking at me through the water, smiling!! Should you be smiling if you are under the water? Most recently he can be found at the top of chain link fences, or trying to stand in the road so he can punch the cars. (because he could stop the car with his fist you know;)
I was trying to clean up from lunch and he was trying to get my attention. A popular strategy is to lie down dead on the floor, thus requiring true love's kiss for revival. So I tried a kiss, but it didn't work!!!! He told me he needed true love's water. So I get his cup of water from lunch and offer him my hand so he can sit up and become 'alive'. He told me he could drink it lying down.
That's right, y'all. My son can drink a cup of water lying flat on his back on the floor. I ask him if he is sure, and he assures me, "Yes, mom, I know I can do it!!". So I am laughing my head off at this point because I know what is about to happen, and he is slowly, slowly trying to get the rim of the cup to his lips but starting to realize why this was not going to work. He did give up, and sat up to drink True Love's Water, and I collapsed on the floor because I was laughing so hard. Lots to learn when you are only 3!
I was trying to clean up from lunch and he was trying to get my attention. A popular strategy is to lie down dead on the floor, thus requiring true love's kiss for revival. So I tried a kiss, but it didn't work!!!! He told me he needed true love's water. So I get his cup of water from lunch and offer him my hand so he can sit up and become 'alive'. He told me he could drink it lying down.
That's right, y'all. My son can drink a cup of water lying flat on his back on the floor. I ask him if he is sure, and he assures me, "Yes, mom, I know I can do it!!". So I am laughing my head off at this point because I know what is about to happen, and he is slowly, slowly trying to get the rim of the cup to his lips but starting to realize why this was not going to work. He did give up, and sat up to drink True Love's Water, and I collapsed on the floor because I was laughing so hard. Lots to learn when you are only 3!
Monday, September 10, 2012
All by myself!
Guinness came up to me this morning; "I did my pants all by myself!" I asked him what he did, because I had already dressed him this morning, and he said, "I don't want to wear goch". So he took them off and just put his pants back on. All by himself.
It's so cute; how do you correct such earnest effort?
It's so cute; how do you correct such earnest effort?
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Guinness Prays
This was Guinness' prayer on Friday... I guess he enjoys playing with her after school.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this wonderful day. Thank you for my family. Thank you for my sister; she is so nice. Thank you for this food. Amen.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this wonderful day. Thank you for my family. Thank you for my sister; she is so nice. Thank you for this food. Amen.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Blackberry monster
There are blackberry bushes growing wild all over the place here, and although I was 99.999% sure they were blackberries I was leary of eating them because, you know, wilderness street sense would say to never eat a berry you don't know for sure. Today as we were doing a practice bike ride to Gemma's school and we saw people with buckets picking and this lady (originally from Saskatoon) assured me they were fine and so it was berry game on.
We ate seaweed at the park (a gift from Annabelle) and on the way home stopped at a bush to fill up the little trays the seaweed comes in.
1) blackberries are Dangerous!!!!!! Very thorny, all the way down to the stem to the berry, and on the underside of the leaves. Ouch!
2) blakberrries are Tall!
3) blackberries will make your mouth black.
The kids were instructed to hold their little containers of berries as we biked home. Upon arrival we had Gemma and a full tray, and Guinness with a empty tray and a mouth full of black.
We ate seaweed at the park (a gift from Annabelle) and on the way home stopped at a bush to fill up the little trays the seaweed comes in.
1) blackberries are Dangerous!!!!!! Very thorny, all the way down to the stem to the berry, and on the underside of the leaves. Ouch!
2) blakberrries are Tall!
3) blackberries will make your mouth black.
The kids were instructed to hold their little containers of berries as we biked home. Upon arrival we had Gemma and a full tray, and Guinness with a empty tray and a mouth full of black.
Monday, July 9, 2012
In Canada...
Guinness has made some astute observations about Canada. I wish I could remember them all, but I'll do my best.
1) there are no scooters in Canada, or bikes. Just cars.
2) people speak English here. And they all look the same. (that's a bit a strange one, eh?)
3) the houses all look the same. (he said this one afternoon after driving through one of those condo neighborhoods, Erindale or somewhere.)
4) in Canada it is light at the nighttime.
This one is throwing both my kids for a loop, going to bed when it is still light out. They are constantly asking, "is it nighttime? Is it afternoon?". I think they are still a bit in travel mode, where night and day and hours and minutes blend together.
He is loving the backyard and being outside. It's been a really fun filled first week in Canada.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Guinness' dream...
Guinness and I were biking home from 101 the other day and he was hugging and kissing my back in the bike seat. I told him he was being such a sweetheart, and he said, "It's my greatest dream to be a sweetheart!!!"
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Guinness and I were wolfing down a mix and match lunch at home today, and he said, "A peanut butter, cheese and hummus sandwich. That would be good."
Friday, June 1, 2012
I LIKE living in Taiwan
We've had some bedtime discussions this week about our move. We've been open and clear to the kids, and as gentle as we can, that we are staying in Canada this time, and they've both started talking about this more this week, I think as school is ending and the moving sale, etc. Guinness says things like;
"I'm Taiwanese."
"I like living in Taiwan."
"Are we going to Canada? And we will stay in Canada? For a long time?"
We've gone through dialogues like this several times. He will say goodbye to his babysitter today, and his babysitter's son, who is like a brother to him. I hope we see them one more time. It's all the 'last time' things coming up that are making my heart heavy.
"I'm Taiwanese."
"I like living in Taiwan."
"Are we going to Canada? And we will stay in Canada? For a long time?"
We've gone through dialogues like this several times. He will say goodbye to his babysitter today, and his babysitter's son, who is like a brother to him. I hope we see them one more time. It's all the 'last time' things coming up that are making my heart heavy.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Awesomeness all around
Well, we had a miracle today: Guinness POOPED ON THE POTTY!!!!
Yes, it finally happened. He has done amazinginly well with peeing, picked it up quickly and gets to the potty on time. He's been doing that for over a week. But the Big Job; well, no luck. Until today. We were playing downstairs and he had a 'tummy ache', and since he hadn't gone all day I was feeling optimistic. Up we went and he made the noise and pushed, but was sure nothing had come out. Until he stood up and looked in the potty, and Hurray!!! (He has been sitting on the potty when he think he has to go, but nothing has happened so far.) He was completely ecstatic, jumping up and down and cheering. We went back down to get Gemma and her friend and headed off to the stationary store for toys. We needed to celebrate! Hopefully now that he has done it once, it will become more natural.
Also, the title of the post is 'awesomeness' because both the kids have used the word 'awesome' in some interesting ways this week. Before supper Guinness was playing with his ball in the living room, which is a no-no, so we sent him to his room. He ran off, so excited. And about 2 minutes later he came out saying, "I did something AMAZING!!! I hit my cup of water and it spilled ALL OVER MY ROOM. It's so AWESOME!!!!!!!" We were like, uh, why is that awesome??? And he so thrilled for some reason, because it was all over the floor and his bed and everywhere. "Isn't that awesome, mom????"
Uh, right :)
Yes, it finally happened. He has done amazinginly well with peeing, picked it up quickly and gets to the potty on time. He's been doing that for over a week. But the Big Job; well, no luck. Until today. We were playing downstairs and he had a 'tummy ache', and since he hadn't gone all day I was feeling optimistic. Up we went and he made the noise and pushed, but was sure nothing had come out. Until he stood up and looked in the potty, and Hurray!!! (He has been sitting on the potty when he think he has to go, but nothing has happened so far.) He was completely ecstatic, jumping up and down and cheering. We went back down to get Gemma and her friend and headed off to the stationary store for toys. We needed to celebrate! Hopefully now that he has done it once, it will become more natural.
Also, the title of the post is 'awesomeness' because both the kids have used the word 'awesome' in some interesting ways this week. Before supper Guinness was playing with his ball in the living room, which is a no-no, so we sent him to his room. He ran off, so excited. And about 2 minutes later he came out saying, "I did something AMAZING!!! I hit my cup of water and it spilled ALL OVER MY ROOM. It's so AWESOME!!!!!!!" We were like, uh, why is that awesome??? And he so thrilled for some reason, because it was all over the floor and his bed and everywhere. "Isn't that awesome, mom????"
Uh, right :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Not to be outdone...
Guinness wore underwear ALL DAY today, and only one accident tonight as we came home from church. I put him on the potty once an hour, and he went most times. And then when I was napping he went all by himself. Amazing!
Still need to figure out what to do about number 2. It's hard to practice because you only get one or two chances a day! And he doesn't really think he can poop sitting down, cause he's always in his dia[er standing.
We'll see.
And we'll see what the babysitter says after tomorrow!
Still need to figure out what to do about number 2. It's hard to practice because you only get one or two chances a day! And he doesn't really think he can poop sitting down, cause he's always in his dia[er standing.
We'll see.
And we'll see what the babysitter says after tomorrow!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The Giving Tree
So Guinness loved this book. And Gemma didn't get past past the apples going to the city before she was a puddle. She can be so sensitive :)
This book is as equally moving, if not more so, than "Love you Forever", so read with a box of tissue.
ice cream?
So this week I was waiting at Gemma's school with a friend whose daughter also goes to Gemma's school. It was a field trip day, so the classroom was closed and we were waiting on the main floor lobby for the buses to roll up. Guinness announces, "I'm going outside." And he does. I wait about 30 seconds, and then go after him. Look left; can't see him. Look right; can't see him. Oh great, right, he's lost in Taipei city, he's trying to walk home or to the park or into traffic. My friend looks right, I look left... and remember the 7-11 right there. Sure enough, I get to the door of the 7-11, and see Guinness head first in the freezer, the clerk holding him by the coat to keep from diving in completely. Guinness is mad, because he doesn't like to be grabbed and held away from his prize. He wanted an ice cream cone, you see. What a kid.
Also this week, he hid from me during a praise and worship session I was doing with the kids. The teachers found him in a storage room, where he had manipulated a key and locked himself in on purpose.
I know exactly what my Mother in Law will comment: "Chris was just like this :)"
Also this week, he hid from me during a praise and worship session I was doing with the kids. The teachers found him in a storage room, where he had manipulated a key and locked himself in on purpose.
I know exactly what my Mother in Law will comment: "Chris was just like this :)"
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Guinness loves to give a compliment to things that amaze him: "Good kick, mommy!" "I like that story!" "Wow!"
But he also likes to get a compliment. Like when he thinks he did a great kick, he'll say, "Now tell me, 'Good Job, Guinness!'"
But he also likes to get a compliment. Like when he thinks he did a great kick, he'll say, "Now tell me, 'Good Job, Guinness!'"
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Ninja Break
Ever Since the Kim Possible episode with the ninja monkeys, everything is ninja in this house. Guinness even wants a ninja break in between stories. We usually do three stories at bedtime, and lately we've been doing this 1 minute break in between. This week its ninja, last week it was soccer ball goalie, last last week it was jumping. I just want him to read and so if we have to have a crazy physical energy burst to make that happen, thats cool. And he loves it so much; its so fun to have mommy's undivided attention and to be silly together.
Great new book we've read? "Wolf's Coming!" Its really great, super suspenseful for the kids who like a little scare, and then a cute ending...
Great new book we've read? "Wolf's Coming!" Its really great, super suspenseful for the kids who like a little scare, and then a cute ending...
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Gemma got a two wheeled scooter given to her, so that means her old one trike style one is all Guinness'. Never mind that it is a pink fairy scooter, he is a racing machine. We've gone on some walks with them, even, which is so fun because he is way faster scooter-ing than walking. Although way more dangerous, as he swerves around and zips ahead but he's doing good at waiting at corners and intersections, and staying close to the edge of the road if we have to go where there is no sidewalk.
He's been having muscle aches at night; a side effect of exercise, I suppose, and growing muscles. I try to give him tylenol and as I attempted to pour it down his throat he said,'No, not there! Put it here!' and rubbed his leg. Sorry, bud, this medicine has to work from the inside out.
He's been having muscle aches at night; a side effect of exercise, I suppose, and growing muscles. I try to give him tylenol and as I attempted to pour it down his throat he said,'No, not there! Put it here!' and rubbed his leg. Sorry, bud, this medicine has to work from the inside out.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Question mark?
We invited a friend to bike with us to the Botanical Gardens on Thursday (the first non-rainy day all week). She biked to our place to meet us, and I guess Guinness didn't see her bike because as I was loading the kids up on their seats on my bike, and letting them know that Erin would be coming with us, Guinness asked, "Is there enough room for her???" meaning, enough room for her also on my bike. Ha ha, no Guinness. Good call. Carrying two chunky children on my bike is getting hard enough, no where to squeeze in an extra adult as well.
Guinness had a great week this week, playing cars with his rescue station and riding Gemma's pink fairy scooter around the house. I love that he doesn't care about boy/girl markings on toys. The fairy scooter, princess car, pink suitcase, purple and pink bike.... he doesn't let that stuff get in the way of enjoying a good toy.
Guinness had a great week this week, playing cars with his rescue station and riding Gemma's pink fairy scooter around the house. I love that he doesn't care about boy/girl markings on toys. The fairy scooter, princess car, pink suitcase, purple and pink bike.... he doesn't let that stuff get in the way of enjoying a good toy.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Guinness' Mischief
This is Guinness helping with dishes.
I left them at the sink for a minute. I come back, his foot is in the water. I go to get the camera, and when I get back his whole body is in the water. This is an example of why we 'knucklehead' almost as much as we use 'Guinness'.

I left them at the sink for a minute. I come back, his foot is in the water. I go to get the camera, and when I get back his whole body is in the water. This is an example of why we 'knucklehead' almost as much as we use 'Guinness'.

Oh, Guinness...
Two year old boys.
Throw it. Touch it. Smash it. Eat it. Cry about it. Fits, not listening, saying 'no'.
I have got to renew my patience. I need to use more encouraging words, and pick my battles. I need to TRAIN him to obey, and discipline him appropriately, and not just get mad.
I love that my replationship with each child is so special. Different kids, different needs, different special moments. When I roll over at 3 or 4 in the morning, he is lying in my bed, fast asleep. I don't know when he comes, I never hear or feel him. But when he is there with me I smile. I touch his palm, or gently squeeze his little toddler arms. I put my hand on his tummy, or his back, and feel his breath. I look at his face, and try to memorize it. (I've grown to love sleeping with my kids. If you cna't beat 'em, join 'em!. More on that another time, maybe)
For the next few days of holiday, I will try to have fun with Guinness HIS way, not my way, give him chances to practice being a good listener and obedient, and correct him when he doesn't .
Throw it. Touch it. Smash it. Eat it. Cry about it. Fits, not listening, saying 'no'.
I have got to renew my patience. I need to use more encouraging words, and pick my battles. I need to TRAIN him to obey, and discipline him appropriately, and not just get mad.
I love that my replationship with each child is so special. Different kids, different needs, different special moments. When I roll over at 3 or 4 in the morning, he is lying in my bed, fast asleep. I don't know when he comes, I never hear or feel him. But when he is there with me I smile. I touch his palm, or gently squeeze his little toddler arms. I put my hand on his tummy, or his back, and feel his breath. I look at his face, and try to memorize it. (I've grown to love sleeping with my kids. If you cna't beat 'em, join 'em!. More on that another time, maybe)
For the next few days of holiday, I will try to have fun with Guinness HIS way, not my way, give him chances to practice being a good listener and obedient, and correct him when he doesn't .
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