So this week I was waiting at Gemma's school with a friend whose daughter also goes to Gemma's school. It was a field trip day, so the classroom was closed and we were waiting on the main floor lobby for the buses to roll up. Guinness announces, "I'm going outside." And he does. I wait about 30 seconds, and then go after him. Look left; can't see him. Look right; can't see him. Oh great, right, he's lost in Taipei city, he's trying to walk home or to the park or into traffic. My friend looks right, I look left... and remember the 7-11 right there. Sure enough, I get to the door of the 7-11, and see Guinness head first in the freezer, the clerk holding him by the coat to keep from diving in completely. Guinness is mad, because he doesn't like to be grabbed and held away from his prize. He wanted an ice cream cone, you see. What a kid.
Also this week, he hid from me during a praise and worship session I was doing with the kids. The teachers found him in a storage room, where he had manipulated a key and locked himself in on purpose.
I know exactly what my Mother in Law will comment: "Chris was just like this :)"