Monday, May 28, 2012

Awesomeness all around

Well, we had a miracle today: Guinness POOPED ON THE POTTY!!!!

Yes, it finally happened.  He has done amazinginly well with peeing, picked it up quickly and gets to the potty on time.  He's been doing that for over a week.  But the Big Job; well, no luck.  Until today.  We were playing downstairs and he had a 'tummy ache', and since he hadn't gone all day I was feeling optimistic.  Up we went and he made the noise and pushed, but was sure nothing had come out.  Until he stood up and looked in the potty, and Hurray!!!  (He has been sitting on the potty when he think he has to go, but nothing has happened so far.)  He was completely ecstatic, jumping up and down and cheering.  We went back down to get Gemma and her friend and headed off to the stationary store for toys.  We needed to celebrate!  Hopefully now that he has done it once, it will become more natural.

Also, the title of the post is 'awesomeness' because both the kids have used the word 'awesome' in some interesting ways this week.  Before supper Guinness was playing with his ball in the living room, which is a no-no, so we sent him to his room.  He ran off, so excited.  And about 2 minutes later he came out saying, "I did something AMAZING!!!  I hit my cup of water and it spilled ALL OVER MY ROOM.  It's so AWESOME!!!!!!!"  We were like, uh, why is that awesome???  And he so thrilled for some reason, because it was all over the floor and his bed and everywhere.  "Isn't that awesome, mom????"

Uh, right :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Potty training day #3; not bad.  Two accidents today, one due to a mis-firing, and of course at bed time he had to pee every 5 minutes.  Trying to get one last marshmallow in before bed!!!

I don't think he's pooped on the potty yet.  He has in his night-time diaper.  Wait and see!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not to be outdone...

Guinness wore underwear ALL DAY today, and only one accident tonight as we came home from church.  I put him on the potty once an hour, and he went most times.  And then when I was napping he went all by himself.  Amazing!

Still need to figure out what to do about number 2.   It's hard to practice because you only get one or two chances a day!  And he doesn't really think he can poop sitting down, cause he's always in his dia[er standing.

We'll see.

And we'll see what the babysitter says after tomorrow!