I can't beleive a whole month has gone by, wowsers.
His one month checkup went fine. He screamed like crazy at the needle, poor thing! He weighs in at 11.2 pounds, and 22.5 inches. He also has hydrocele, which is pretty common in newborns and no big deal (unless it gets swollen or doesn't go away in a year.)
Guinness is fussier than Gemma was, at least that we can remember. I spend almost every evening, from 6-midnight feeding him and holding him. He doesn't want to be put down, and he cries and fusses most of that time. He is good in the day, and good at night but the evenings aren't his thing. Oh, and he can tell when he is being held sitting down, and then he cries. He likes to be held upright and to be walked around the house. He ate like a pig today so hopefully he has a good sleep now, and not too much tummy trouble.
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