Monday, March 29, 2010


My boy is one!

He got a snappy new haircut today, too, which was almost impossible and the two of us were covered in hair by the end. Squirmy wormy. And unequipped Taiwan salon, but the guy was fun and worked hard and it turned out well.

We had a Very Hungry Caterpillar birthday, pictures on facebook. Since Guinness doesn't have that many friends we just had our friends from church come. The cake turned out well, but too big and to sweet. It was fun to have our house full of people and to have Tegan and Ryan here to celebrate with us (and to bring sour cream home form 101 with the. You can't get sour cream at just any grocery store, you know.)

All is well!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Guiness! Wish we could have come, but it's a good thing we didn't because we all came down with a stomach bug this weekend. I'm going to look for you on FB so I can see the pics!
