Thursday, April 22, 2010

This week...

He is such a goof, he is making us laugh so much. He will just start giggling out of no where, which is really funny.

He loves the iPod, which gets him a smack on the hand and a firm No. (or bu ke yi form Annabelle) Then he throws a mini tantrum, arches his back and almost falls over until he catches himself and remembers how much falling over backwards hurts, so uprights himself. Sometimes when he's mad he leans forward and puts his forehead down on the ground. Its so funny, and so sad all at the same time. Can't always get what you want :)

Eating constantly, but having some tummy pain at night so trying to simplify his evening meals and keep is basic. He is not a great solid food eater yet. I sort of forget since Gemma, but he seems to need everything really small or really smooth. He still chokes on water when he drinks with a straw, that sort of thing. I forget he's only a year old.

Funniest thing this week? When I hold my towel covered arms out to him in the bathtub and say,"TIme to get out?" and he pushes himself back and says, "No no no!' He's not a super talker yet but he's getting that one figured out! He said apple in context last week, so I am counting that as the official first word. He doens't say to much else yet, just lots of sound and tries. He says die die instead of bye bye, and of course mama. He said Annabelle once, homes; I was there, but no repeats of that.

He loves to imitate faces and play peekaboo. He does this one where he wrinkles his nose up and breaths really heavy through it, almost like snorting. So we do it back to him, and he does it more. Probably funnier in person, sorry! Just trying to recount all the great moments. Small, but great! I want to remember them forever!

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