Sunday, May 15, 2011

Terrible Twos

You know that stage where you think your previously sweet and pleasant child has been kidnapped and replaced with a child who looks the same but is much more rude and whiny? Here we are!

Everything you say to him in the last three days is met with, "I don't like ______" (fill iin the blank with whatever was just asked)

Do you want to have supper? "I don't like supper"
Can you take this to Gemma? "Don't like Gemma!"
Want a cookie? "Don't like cookie." then he cries and says he wants a cookie.
It;s time to go to the park! "Don't like park."
Trying to talk to Grandpa on the phone today, "Don't like Grandpa."

Fortunately his resolve is not strong and he forgets that he didn't like something within 5 seconds of saying it. He is still fairly agreeable and easy to trick into obedience.

He has that barking cough again tonight; dry heaving and coughing till he chokes. Came up really suddenly, he's been fine the last month or so...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my. When they say, "No!" but they meant "yes" and then they just melt because they know they said the wrong thing. It's so hard to be two.
