Tuesday, August 9, 2011


When does throwing fits get you rewards? When you are two years old and cute and live in Taiwan.

Fit #1: grocery store.
Cause of fit: refusing to let two year old block the pathway of other shoppers with the large trolly left within arms reach
Reward for fit: Clerk #1 calling out for 'tang guo tang guo' (candy) to the back and a handful of high chews being rushed out.

Fit #2: Picture frame store
Cause of fit: mommy not letting 2 year old pull the spool of hanging yarn.
Reward for fit: Shop owner cutting off a length of yarn to give to 2 year old.

Fit #3: bakery
Cause of fit: hmm, can't remember
Reward for fit: Piece of toblerone chocolate

Fit #4: friends house
Cause of fit: mommy trying to get two year old to leave friend's house because daddy had dinner ready for us in our house
Reward for fit: cookies

All the tour books say the same thing: Taiwanese people love babies, and part of the their love is hating to see babies cry. They will do anything stop it, hence the quick rush to candy and treats. (Another part of their love is unwarranted advice, but thats for another day)

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