Thursday, September 1, 2011

Round 2

And just as we finish getting Gemma to sleep BY HERSELF IN HER OWN BED, Guinness gets the ability to climb out of his crib at will. And so last night I woke up at about midnight. And who was curled up beside me? Guinness! (cue scream of horror!!!) Ha ha, just kidding. But as cute and cuddly as my kids are and fun to sleep with on occasion, as the 4 1/2 year battle with Gemma may finally be drawing to an end, you can guess how excited I am to begin all over again with baby #2. It was SO HARD to put him in his own bed, because he is way too cute and cuddly and with his littlle puppy eyes, 'I lay down with you Mommy!!' Awww, heartbreaking. But I stood firm. A few hours later he was up again, in our bed, and I noticed him and he hid his head under the pillow. "Mommy, I'm asleep! Don't move me!" MOMMY, I"M ASLEEP!!!!" Awww, it was really hard, I wanted to cuddle up with him so badly but its not fair to let him do it one night if we're not going to everynight, and we have had to work really hard to get Gemma out of our bed. Anyway... pray that he can be a happy boy in his own bed again :)


  1. Oh my, sounds like he is testing this out. He has seen his sister do it.

  2. We have a baby gate on Malcolm's room. For this very reason. I don't want him getting up and wandering the house unsupervised, and I don't want him to come climb into our bed. I have no idea how long the baby gate will stay there, but for now it works.
