Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What do you do when...

...you are in a store and your baby barfs on the floor? We had no bag with us, so no wipes or blankets or anything like that. I just had the two kids and my wallet, because it was a just a 1/2 block trip to go get 1 thing. So I'm looking at the spit up, looking around. It was too big to leave it there, but I had no idea how to communicate my need for paper towel to the store keeper. So, since it was close to bath time and all, I just sat him down on it and wiped it up with the butt of his pants. Is that so gross?

Monday, November 23, 2009

talking is overrated

The last thing any harried mother needs is her kid to say in a completely desperate tone of voice, "mum mum mummm mum" when she leaves the room.

The "hi" and wave is super cute, though.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New stage...

Uh oh...

We are entering the Mommy stage. Daddy is pretty good, and Guinness loves his girlfriends Annanbelle and PIng, and his aunties, but when he wants mommy, he WANTS mommy. He is starting to cry when I leave for school. And in the evening if I go out. OH boy...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Double Dipping

So now that we have begun solid food I have all the work of nursing/pumping plus the added work of making baby food, feeding the food, and all the extra laundry and dishes that go with that. I wash about a million little plastic bowls in a day. Good thing babies are so cute and lovely, because they are tonnes of work :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Step by step!

The boy took 3 steps yesterday!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Making food

Guinness is into food. He loves sweet potato, hates banana. Tonight I made peas and applesauce. (I cheated with the peas though and just bought two bags of green giant frozen peas...) Baby food is like 60 NT a jar here (2$) and I can buy the whole bag of peas for 65 NT. So I did that and bought all the sale apples, too. A few spots that I cut out, chopped 'em up and cooked them into 6 cups of applesauce. Yum yum. I did carrots last week and sweet potatoes. The potatoes I can buy at the market though, and they are so good; they've been slow cooking in these stone ovens all day so they are super soft. Less work for me, to not have to cook them myself.

He started standing this week, too.

I hope I haven't blogged this already. I didn't check what my last post was before I began.

Monday, November 2, 2009

What's he doing...

Lots of eating; he is so into solid food. Sweet potato, squash, avocado, banana. Going to make carrots and peas this week, and then some applesauce.

He can crawl under the coffee table in pursuit of an object and then can't get out. It is so funny! He has also been lunging/diving... He gets so close to something and just throws his whole self forward to try and grab it. LIke little Simba practicing his pounce!

Today, he said Dada! In context, too. That was Chris' welcome this morning. He almost said I love you, too (OK, it was more like Ay leaf oo) but it was after I said I love you and so I give him partial credit.

It's cold here, so I need to buy him a toque.

Weight; 17.6 lbs. Height; 72 cm.

Still has this cold. Needs his DPT third dose so will take him to the Dr. maybe friday.