Monday, May 31, 2010

2 Words

He can say 'cookie' and 'no'. He usually says 'no' while pointing his finger.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Guinness ting du dong zhongwen!

Jen da!!

Guinness understands Chinese!


Annabelle asked him in Chinese to take the cookies to Gemma and she would open them for him. And he picked up the cookies, and off he went. And he has a great new trick; also courtesy of Annabelle:

Guinness, Shuei jiao: and he puts his head down on the table or on your lap.

qi lai!; and he wakes up! Shuai jiao = sleep, qi lai = wake up.

du bu qi, wo de pinyon shi bu hao. (sorry, my pinyon is bad)

Guinness ke yi kai men!! Guinness can open the door! Ahh! I like the speaking/understanding Chinese tricks better!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Chocolate Fountain

We were at the bakery getting bread and the lady offered small chocolate cookies to the kids. Guinness of course put the whole thing in his mouth and had the huge chipmunk cheeks. As he swished it back a forth it started to dissolve in his mouth and the river of chocolate started to flow. First it was all over his face and hands, so I wipe him. And it just keeps coming. And coming. And coming. I'd wipe his chin and then another dribble would run out. It was so funny :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

A book lover (I hope!)

A lightbulb has gone off! Books are NOT just for eating or throwing in the toilet. If I take a book to mommy, she will sit with me on her lap and make fun noises!

SO he has taken a new interest in the written word. His favorite is a fuzzy animal one with different patches of patterned fur and stuff to pet on each page; I'm a stripey zebra, pat my neck. I'm a wrinkly rhine, touch my rough horn, etc. The climax is the last page and the tiger; Do you DARE to stroke a tiger? ROAR!!

He loves it!