Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sleep Machine

This kid, he is amazing.

We kept him the say we arrived until 1am. He slept until 4:30pm the next day. I had to wake him up, because I was getting worried he wouldn't sleep at night. It was my plan to keep him up till 10pm, to make sure he would sleep through again but he passed out in Chris' arms at 9:30, and then slept through (with only 2 short awakenings) until I woke him up at 3:30pm. So like 18 hours of sleep straight!!! I guess travelling for 30 hours pooped him out.

He travelled great. Wasn't too much trouble, but didn't sleep too much either. He couldn't get comfy on my lap so he would sleep for 2 hours and then wake up crying, stiff and stodgy I'm sure. He ate well, did a few laps of the aisles.

He loves being here, although he hasn't really been awake to do much yet!! Everybody loves him, of course! He's really just a great baby.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Second Child

Well, we have committed the classic 'sin' against the second child.

Not enough pictures.

I am trying to pick out ones to print for his baby book, and there are some serious gaps in his chronolgy:

No Halloween. (And he was such a cute prince ronald, from paper bag princess. Gemma was elizabeth, of course)
One crawling picture.
No first steps.
Few Christmas.
No first tooth.

We're sorry, baby! But we have lovely pictures of your 1st birthday trip to Bali. Next time you feel angry at us just look at your passport!