Monday, November 29, 2010


Guinness is talking non stop: he commentates as he walks around. "Up" (as he climbs on the bed) "down" (as he comes off) "TV broken" (our bedroom TV isn't hooked up to cable), "Sleep"; he loves to come to my bedroom and just lie down.

Tonight we counted. We were going to downstairs on the elevator, ad I was saying 1 2 3,, 1 2 3, and then he said with no prompting four. So I said five. He said six. I said seven, he said eight. Crazy right?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

This weekend

Pulled over the shoe rack in the porch wrestling with an umbrella.

Got the sugar bowl down and was eating sugar (and spilling sugar EVERYWHERE) Who likes walking on sugar, anyone?

Threw sand on a complete stranger at the park

Borrowed every single shovel in the sandbox today at the park

Threw the communion tray down (ok, this one I didn't see because I was in the big service but I heard it through the wall)

Colored his leg and abdomen

Colored the sofa

Put the Mr. Clean toothbrush I was using to clean the sofa in his mouth

Bit the ear piece off Daddy's headphones

In less destructive news he learned what a sheep days, and and can say some very sweet few word phrases: More Please! and when you ask him 'How are you?' he says, Good!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

This week

He was messing around with the vacum cleaner today, and he when he pushed the power button and it vrooooomed to life he jumped about 10 feet back. Ha ha, it was so funny! Wish I had a video camera pointed at him!

Yesterday he ate fallen taco meat from the dustpan and my deoderant. He loves toothpatse, too, and we are constantly chasing him out of our bathroom. Oh, and in the bathroom he loves to grab the toilet brush. I have to throw out his toothbrush today because he threw it on the floor and then grabbed the toilet brush and although I didn't see any contact, I just can't in good conscience give it back to him. Like he'd notice.

He's been healthy for a week. I should run get his immunizations done...

Monday, November 1, 2010

So tired...

He was so tired today after supper that he went to his room, crawled up on a chair and into his crib, and went to sleep :)

Of course he is tired from CRYING most of the night. Ugg, trip to the doctor because we are hopefully not going to have a repeat of that. Doctor did a chest Xray because his breathign looked and sounded bad and its almost pnemeunia but not quite, so thats good. The ear drum doens't look good either but he thinks he bumped his ear or something and its not and infection so that is good too. Got the regular regime of cough syrup, decongestant, exportant, and tylenol.