Monday, December 27, 2010

Zoo Talk

Guinness has lots of words, but seldom strings more than 2 together for sentences. Here is an example of a Guinness 'conversation'/train of thought.

SETTING: at the zoo, holding the fence of the pony/goat pen at the children's zoo section, looking in longingly.





Translation: Mommy, there is a gate between me and those animals. It is locked, and I am stuck on this side! Help me please to get inside!

This age is just so cute, he is the funniest guy and makes us laugh so much.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Things Guinness has eaten this week

in no particular order:

green chalk
baby lotion
antibiotic cream
the drain from the sink (OK, he didn't EAT it, but he put it in his mouth)
the bathtub drain (see note above)
his sister's toothbrush

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pretzel Party

Just had a late night pretzel party with my son.

He woke up yelling and crying, so I went to get him. "Pretzel!" he cries. So we get some pretzels. He eats those in the living room, then goes off for more He lugs the whole container into the dining room and so we're both crouched down on the floor, digging out pretzels under the glow of the Christmas tree lights. We do a few more trips and then I say, "No more." And he says, "Yi-ga" (=one) So I give him one. He holds out his other hand. I put one more in it, and tell him; 'liyan-ga' (two). He echoes me. So I say san-ga and hold out a third. He puts one pretzel in his mouth, holds out his now empty hand and copies me, "san-ga".

I put the pretzels away. I go to brush my teeth. He comes into my room with the pretzel jar.

Finally get him back into bed, a preztel in each hand.