Sunday, November 11, 2012

Guinness' Debut at Whistler

Haha, I just realized the last update on Guinness that I put on Facebook was also about him being a 'whistler', but this post is about the amazing ski and outdoor destination of Whistler, BC. We drove for two and a half hours to get to Whistler, hoping to see snow. Sadly, it is in tonight's forecast, but ok, whatever, we'll go hang out in the Olympic park for a bit. Parking lot is full and busy, but Chris snags a spot. He pulls in, puts the van in park, and BLEEECH; Guinness throws up all over himself.


Amazingly, his new winter coat was very easy to wipe off. Got the carseat and coat clean enough to get him out, stripped off his shirt, went to the McDonald's bathroom, gave him my tshirt, new pants, coat back on. Daddy takes kids to park, Mommy deals with van. I used a million wipes, and fortunately had hand sanitizer. I squirted a bunch of that all over the straps and cover and stuff, got most of the odor out. Let the fun begin!

Kids played at this awesome park for a long time. Had hot chocolate and coffee, supper at a pizza by the slice shop. Good road trip, thankfully no more throwing up!! He was so sweet about it, too; after he was done he said, "I'm supposed to throw up in the potty, right? That would be better." Haha!!!